Reoccurring Undulation

Reoccurring Undulation was a temporary commission for Towner, the contemporary art museum in Eastbourne, as part of Compulsive, Obsessive, Repetitive (2011). The work was made out of 960 salmon skin tiles arranged to form an intriguing and dynamic pattern, suggestive of landscape. It covered the wall, floor to ceiling, like a tapestry.
The material was selected through a process of engagement with the locality, its landscape and history. What lies beneath and inside the material world of membranes and skins, are recurring obsessions in Elpida’s work. She is interested in taking dead waste materials and transforming them through repetition into new artefacts that show us the latent beauty of this discarded matter. Elpida often endures weeks/months of repetitive and nauseating labour to create her work. It is precisely this repetition that creates an imaginative space, opens up possibilities and allows the work to evolve.
Supporting organisations:
- Craft Council – Spark Plug Curator Award
- Eastbourne Borough Council
- ArtsWay
- Farne Salmon