The Avenue

The Avenue The Avenue

Proposed concept for Public Art for Brightwells Yard, Farnham, 2019

Between 5 and 10 inverted trees with gilded motif’s drawn from Farnham’s industry (brewing and ceramics) and cultural heritage (Theatre, Craft and Arts) and/or designs developed with students at University for the Creative Arts and local people in Farnham.

Employing nature as both subject and medium, this ambitious and poignant contemporary site-specific installation will offer a poetic rupture in the grounds of Brightwells Garden. The work encourages visitors to view and consider the past in a new way and will highlight the sensitive balance at play between present, past and future. As such, in addition to the creation of visually striking intervention, this piece will also deepen engagement with and appreciation of the rich historical and cultural heritage of Farnham, UCA and other historical and cultural groups in the town.